Two days back(20/4/08), I purchased a Spice D88N handset from HOTSPOT showroom, which has got additional feature of bluetooth compared to D88. Outlook, screen clarity, sound is good. Voice clarity is ok but volume is not sufficient. I have to switch on loudspeaker while talking when I go out.
Major setback is, not able to send SMS from CDMA.
I went back to seller and told this. The sales person checked and tried in another handset also. He was also not able to solve this problem. He contacted customer service of TATA Indicom, The reply was not satisfactory and was told that there was no problem with service provider.
When I contacted Spice mobile service centre in Bangalore, technician told me that there is problem with software itself in D88N series. As soon as he gets updated with new software, I have to go to him for updation. This is very bad because basic feature like SMS sending is not checked before release of handset from manufacturer.!
I tried to contact by internet to complain about this to spice, but not able to get email address.
I am very sorry to share this information.