I bought dis set 2 months back. It cost me 4500 with 1 gb memory card. It has got all the features that is being demanded by any multimedia set. It supports java applications. Sms capacity-500 phone book capacity-500 battery 2 days(making optimum average use lyk listening to songs, sms, calls etc) FM radio with speakers.
Loud surround sound(better than any nokia phone in its class) supprts avi video formats as well. Video is recorded in the AVI format. Supports all d general sound formats(wav, mp3, mp4) best part- (4 d sms lovers) it has got a flexible keypad. Which enables you to roll your hand over n helps you to write fast sms. Sms tyoing as compatible as NOKIA. Even it has SMS search. Type the name of the person n u get d list of sms from dat person.
(same with names alphabets) Over-all its d best phone purchase of my life. Only bad thing about it is that it has not got that good camera quality. Its the phone for the music livers n sms n call users.