Spice Comm badly needs to have improve their network to a minimum non-disgusting quality in Bangalore. You make a call and you get all the weird messages possible. Connection error, Call disconnected, Network busy are the usual messages which flash repeatedly. Pathetic!
If the call finally gets through also, chances are that 7/10 times, the call will get cut automatically too! If only Mr. Modi realize it!
Pls stay away from this. Just to save a few rupees, pls dont fall in their trap. They have the most ridiculous and disgusting network possible!
And their customer care says like, "some maintenance going on", "server is being repaired/moved".. ! How ridiculous they are...! They lie, gives the cheapest service possible 24 x7. I think airtel is the onlty decent option here in Bangalore. their rates are a little high..but its worth paying it. Thats a no-problem network.
The worst part is, they are very much aware of this problem , but they are so apathetic. they are interested in getting more ustomers, but they just wont improve the quality of their network. So insensitive and callous.