If you are thinking to dream of a Spice telecom connection or dreaming to think of a Spice telecom connection in karnataka you are going to face the nightmare of the millenium. Every other mobile service provider troubles you if you go for a post paid connection but this fellow is great in troubling the people in prepaid scheme equally....imagine the Spice telecom cuts Rs.5 to start off every other day for what they call the preactivated services.
Only sky is the limit to what all they think could be part of the prepaid services...like the news service...they will send some stupid sms and cut money for that all this not asked for.........and you will never even know of such a service....
I thought airtel is the worst connection to have....but this (spice) is/has proved that airtel cannot even compete with spice in fooling and cheating people...
The best part is pre activated services costs Rs. 5 and to cancel the service you have to send a sms to some three digit number which would cost you Rs.3 (special charge for that particular 3 digit number which they have provided for this special purpose of cancelling the service).....
In any case you are bound to lose Rs 5 or Rs. 3 every other day.....so you dont have to call any one spice telecom will automatically make sure that your currency on the phone is reduced to zero may be they will pop up one day that they have given you credit of some amount of money for the pre activated services.
Spice telecom is cheating people straight forward...
Never buy this connection, if you are serious about the worth of money....
There can be no better way to spend money than this, if you have lot to....do so...