I have booked tickets on spice jet on some occasion and found their service quite satisfactory. The flights were on time and online booking made it all very easy from booking ticket, reserving seats and making payment. Ihope they start flights on other sectors also like Lucknow etc., as I belong to Lucknow :)...The crew was also very supportive and espeically when my mom needed a wheel chair, though I did not mention any time during ticket booking (Not sure whether provision for wheel chair booking is there or not), still they immediately arranged for a wheel chair and an attendent to help my mom. Over all a nice experience.
I wish if they can start international flights also, may be to Asia pacific regions, lets see when it happens. Over all good experience when compared with the Air fare they offer. I dont think providing full meal and all that is necessary on domestic flights. Outside India also (I have seen Japan) they do not provide meals, just some coffee or water.