Date 27-May-2013
Today I had a flight from Delhi to Visakhapatnam. I was little late getting to airport due to transportation issues.
Anyways I was there before the check-in counter 43 minutes before the departure, and the lady sitting across the counter without giving even a little consideration said 45 mins before the departure is the cutoff , and that I was a was a NO SHOW, and that she couldnt do anything about it, and directed me to another counter. Where needless to say repeated the same story and asked me to go to the ticketing counter outside to get the ticket rescheduled.
The surprising part was they were saying, the full fare of my current ticket will be completely adjusted. I was little glad that at least some humanity is left in these people. Following which a spicejet agent personally escorted me to the ticketing counter.
The ticketing counter person checked his computer and said there is no flight to Vizag that day or the following day, I can travel to Hyd if I want to, the price for which is apparently 18, 000 rupees. I got my original ticket from Delhi - Vizag (via Hyd) for 5000 rupees. I was left with no other option but to shell out addl 12000 rupees for a flight which wasnt even going to Vizag.
No wonder the Spicejet personnel want to so keenly enforce the 45 minute rule, if they could exploit one passenger for 12, 000 rupees, they must be making crores of rupees each month on this scam.
Also, I dont understand why airlines are allowed to charge exorbitant prices for last minute tickets. I understand the logic that early bookers deserve to be rewarded, but charging 3-4 times the economy price is next to insanity.
So heres the take-away from this experience.
The 45 min check-in close rule shouldnt be so rigidly implemented. After all rules are meant for the convenience of the people. The airlines do have a responsibility to provide CUSTOMER SERVICE for the money they are charging, but apparently it has no/low priority in their books.
Government should take stock of airlines misusing this provision and should penalize the airlines to the farthest extent of law.
And finally, airlines shouldnt be given free hand in dictating the last minute fares. There shouldnt be such a huge difference between the economy ticket and the so called full fare ticket. You dont see Indian railways charging addl Rs.10, 000 for a takal ticket.