Spicy root which is in vivek vihar as the name indicates its spicy n I hve a spicy exprecience wth thm
So whn I wnt thr wth my frnds I was flng cool as thr interior is damn cool but thn we ask the waiter who is suppsd to take our order we askd wht is thr scptlty
Thn he vry rudely said thr is many thngs sir dont waste time n simply give order .i was srprsd bt gve ordr as we r vry hungry bt the quality of food is nt awesome at all .the daal makhni is not hot at all its seem like they serve me the one which is rejectd by othr thn I shouted manager n he comes like a boss n I told hm all the thngs n he was like .if u dnt like it u can go but here its done like this. .my exprnce was so bad so I suggst all of u to not go thr for dnnr wth fmly othrwse u wll gt insltd straight away