Spider-Man in this movie is the best portrayel of a young Spider-Man of all time.Tom Holland does an excellent job of portraying a young spidey and is relatable. The plot shows great continuity from previous movies, As expected from marvel.
Its always great to see how all the movies are conneceted with one another. For Example(Spoilers):how the vulture gets the gadgets and technology because of the events of avengers 1 and civil war from spideys perspective and it is also great how they show spidey struggling with finding badguys earlier in the movie because in real life you dont see people robbing banks everyday. And it is also a good thing that they didnt show spideys origin story cause cmon everybody knows that and it has gotten boring really The music is great i.e I loved how in the opening credits they give you the old cartoon Spider-Man music with a little variation The cinematography is obviously great as you would expect from marvel and sony so theres no question there.