Spider Man -3 American Super Hero Film Produced By Marvel Studios Based on Marvel Comics it was directed by Sam Raimi Spider Man - 3 Sequel of Spider Man - 2 it Premiered on April 16, 2007 in Tokyo in this film he find out his grand Father Who is killer and His Friend fight against him But the spider Man defeat Him He is Going to Coma After Woke From Coma He changed his character as a against of Spider Man And The Alien comes from outer world that was followed spider man attacks when he was bad dream and stick him he was changed into Black His Power Increasing Finally he refused that dress That was going to stick another he also against to Spider man Those Two Mens are attacks his lover his finally the friend comes to help for Maryzane He defeated two Mens With his friend Harry But Harry Killed By Brock The Music of this film silent Background music was very good.