Spider man is back with a Bang and this time our hero fights with 3 villians and as all know the Venom is the most powerful of all the ememies that Spidey has.
I have seen the movie on the 1st day and he makes a triumphant return as the sticky-fingered superhero. People who see superhero movies just for thrills and chills will find plenty of reasons to love SPIDER-MAN 3...
For all of you the story goes like this ..
Peter has begun to feel secure in his life. One night in a park, while Peter and Mary Jane are on a date, a small meteorite crashes nearby and a alien comes from it following peter to his home. And and while asleep, the symbiote bonds with his costume. Peter discovers that not only has his costume changed, but that his powers have been enhanced as well. And it shows the negative side of SpiderMan for a moment..
The rest depends on how he over comes and also he has two more villians to fight the Sand Man and the Venom....
I hope all will Enjoy seeing the movie .....
Its a Must see Dont miss it