Poor after sale support, the service team gives an estimate which no way matches the final bill, meanwhile alternator is not considered under warranty and considered as wear & tear!! Alternator is a mechanical part which generates electricity considered under wear & tear!! Wow! I had used polo TDI for 10years and never faced any such issue, later considering the age of vehicle moved to GT TSI from Spinny which promised mind-blowing assurance as new, here my decision gone wrong. Just within the first six months the car stranded me on road, the RSA made me wait for 2.5hrs to pick my car, after all this I will have to coordinate with service centre whether the car reached the service centre or not, this is how decentralised Spinny is., They kept my car at service centre for 3 days and no response till I follow up with them, came with an estimate of approximately 4000 now after 3 days they say that it is going to be 9k+ . The Story is yet to complete, fingers crossed!!
The estimate by Spinny was rs3800+, final billed is 10150/-. When I try calling the local Spinny team who gave me the Initial estimate, he tries to escape, sharing some other contact numbers stating he is on leave! #spinny you failed in my network!! My car is delivered to me after 5 days.
Contd after 1year 10 months: After 6 month comprehensive warranty alternator problem occured and now after 1 year warranty is done, transmission failed, ideally these cars are made ready to escape these period!! Pathetic spinny
Conclusion: I bought a car worth 7lakhs from spinny which is useless after 1 year 10months!!
Now my car worth scrap!