Bryan adams is one hell of a rockstar. I picked up the album by his name. Knew a animation movie was coming up and it had a album by bryan. Hans Zimmer was the second name which caught my attention.
He has lots of feathers in his cap. But what truley was great about this album was that it followed a story. Even though the soundtracks repeated yet they signified the growth of a character.
Music is original and true to bryan adams soft rock fame. I could feel the emotions he put in the vocals.
The songs like "i will always return" leave a deep impact on u. "brothers under the sun" is unlike any song I heard which captures human emotions like that. "Dont let go" is one romantic track thats
unforgettable. "Nothing I have ever known" keeps you hooked to the album infact I had bought a cassate which we played in our hostel for so long that its tape got blunted."one good song to listen while
driving is " you cant take me" really sets your pulse racing. Sound the bugle is a nice track yet is dimmed in the power of others. If you watch the movie first you will simply love the album.
But some songs are forwardable ;-)
Good album to gift to your girlfriend. Its a tested case my friend gifted to his. Please buy original CD.
You wont regret buying it. Still two tracks are skipable. Music is
soothing, lyrics are understandable thats why it gets to your soul.Needs a little more publicity. Bonus tracks shudave been there. Stress was given to wrong tracks instead ofthe better ones.