Comment :
Neighbours envy owners pride, this is what exactly is happening with product sprite. I don’t agree to this king of advertising or marketing ones product. This type of negative marketing is surely created in a bad spirit. This is purely non-ethical in advertisement and marketing field. Tell me what exactly are they trying to do? Put others product down just to promote their own product. Do Sprite do not have any positive or any good qualities to advertise? This type of ads are direct insult on the face of Dew. They have copied exactly Dew’s punch line, Dew’s model presentation and the same style. I don’t think Sprite is gaining anyway by doing these types of negative advertisement and this should stop.
Advise :
I feel Sprite should come up with their own fresh ad with their products plus point and unique selling point (USP). They should create much more creative ad which will convince the people about their product. Probably Sprite should go off from the market for some time and re-launch itself with a new look and advertisement. Of-course Sprite will definitely have its own identity.
Concept and execution of the ad :
The concept of negative advertisement was very good and quite funny too. The ad is very professionally made and well executed. Actually it was a positive and direct hit on the punch line of Dew “I wanna do”. A lot of creativity must have gone into creating this ad. No doubt it was intentionally made and it has solved the purpose of the ad. But as the ad say negative about the rival product it does not convey any points of its product.
Conclusion :
The ad was very creative and funny. I made me sit and watch the whole commercial. A very good work. But the ad itself is made to put down the rival product Dew and this is not the right thing.
I think this ad has done more marketing for Dew than Sprite itself. Advantage Dew.