This is very very bad hospital in the world I think. They are just waiting patients only and only for money. Doctors are greedy and hungry for money. They are asking from patients attendant to sign on every paper even they are asking to sign when they give medicine or any injection to the patient. They are doing business of fear.
My father was admitted there and Dr. Rupinder Singh Bhatia was in charge and everyday Dr. was asking for operation and deposit money. My father was admitted there for 10 days and they did 4 operations. In the end when we realise doctors are just doing experiment on our patient and making money from us, Then we decided to shift to another hospital. But they discharge our patient from backside of the hospital and remove every must needed pipes from the body. Due to these behaviour of that bullish people of SPS hospital we lost our father. Our advise to everyone please dont go in this SPS hospital for any treatment. They are asking only money and doing experiment on patients. Now I heard that Apollo organisation of Delhi already removed their franchise from this hospital. I pray to God that Dr. R.S. Bhatia will face this same situation with his family member(Parents or with his children) same like our father then he will realise. I hope he will get same situation very soon. I requested to all people please please please dont go to this SPS hospital.