If they would be negative rating then I would have been gone for -5 stars reason just see below
I had enroll for oracle and java class in sql star My as well as my friend experience with SQL Star is pathetic .
Teaching quality is really bad because they hire trainer who are ready to work at less salary so they don’t bother about quality.
Also our trainer never came on time. When we complain about it They never adresse our problem seriously
they give job assurance when your course is complete they turn there back and reply by saying it was assurance what hey can do in it.
Regarding fees payment is concern they will remind you in advance and insulted one of my friend when he delayed by few day.The only great thing about SQl star is there fees which they are quite serious about it.So please don’t join this institute as they are are concern about fees not on career and please pass on this message to your friends