This is one of the worst service in AP. I had a very bad & painfull experience with this service.
I booked 3 tickets to my native place Ganapavaram and needs to catch the bus at SR nagar.
I waited in busstop along with my 2 kids from 9.30PM till 11.30PM. The bus did not came to SR nagar busstop. when I try to call the SR NAgar agent at 10.30PM he did not lifted the phone, closed the shop and he left. when I enquired next day, he gave very rash answer and said that its my mistake that I did not catch the bus. when I asked him how come you just leave 3 tickes and go with out even calling to my mobile phone he did not have an answer. then agent said that he will return the money. from last 10 days I am goig to his office daily and till now he did not even returned money.
Its all a big fraud and playing with the passengers in the long weekends. probably either agent or the bus conductor might have cheated me. they did not borded me and just left and might have take money from other passengers and took them by selling my tickets for higher cost .