Dear All, Im one of the person chated by Mr Balakumar of Sri Sai Ram Interiors, Bazaar Road, Sadhasivam Nagar, Madipakkam. He used to change his company name frequently and fascinate people by his honey words during the initial meeting. Once we give the advance, we start realising above his true face. I have paid more than a lac rupees and he had done only 40% of the work.
I have spent several phone calls/ shop visit repeatedly to catch him. However, he will not attend the phone calls and the shop always remain closed. When called from PCO, he will took the phone and then he will promise to complete the work within 2 days, likewise so many promises made by him and finally the shop is closed two months before with a notice "Sai Ram Interiors shifted from here". If he is genuine, he should have announced his new address in the above notice. After two months, now there is a new board at the same premises with someother name. I strongly believe it is his own shop and he is going to cheat new customers with his new shop name. Be careful about doing the interior work with this firm. Dont lose your hard earned money with such cheaters.