Hello.friends today I am gonna review on hospital where only money is valuable.
If you are taking about the hospital where I went yesterday then definetly that was worst infrastructure based on old medical hospital. Before There is no any reason to come up here because of its building sence. Its was a big old type building and spred in large areas there was a big co envoirnmental building where lots of patients were moving in thar park area a huge ground for patient who are allready admitted here for long time. In my opinion all average in building parts but half parts of this hospital is builting as a new and latest type of infrastructure. Basicalky all parts together two moment wher new technology is working and new diseases is researched.not only at once I go there many times for a month because I have addmitted of my grandmother who has hornea problem and we go there for operation but they told us to admitted him for a week. It was a private hospital and costly also.
If you are talking about medical caring then first of all when we admitted my grandfather the bed charge was 200 per day.only. so you can think that costly hospital or not. We goto receptionist for term and condition review then he told me function of t
hat hospital. There are no any regular self doctor in them. He contact private doctors who are specialized with their department and charged personaly to hospital. The hospital charged patient doctor charge high amount for profit . But all doctors was awsome. They insure me to that no problem will facr there. And operation will start after chekup of the patient. After admitting they tests of patient for is he ready for operation or any elargis by medicine and needkes. So he checkuped my grand father and ready for iperation .they we go again for aper work and agreement.
There of lots of staffs for every depatment. Like. Clener of hospitals . Groomers and washers . So I love that envoirnment some department are very cleaned and some department are worst people spitted in the corn every where like dustbin. So I love my grandfather area where he admitted in that locality . There are 2 nurses for grandpa and a doctors who came 3 times in aday for taking review of patient. And bmn nurses caring about blood pressure sugar oxygen supply and data collecting in computer which is the activity increasing or decreasing in patient.we love to see this . Yes definitely I will give it 7 out of ten for staff s attitude and caring staffs . There is low and perfect attitudeable I noticed. In new building area where my grand father was admitted in horneya operation.
The quality of medicine is better and as its private function created in hospital . All medicine was available in also that area . There are 3 big medical stores where the medicine they providedby them . The suggested medicine is getting obly onin that store and you know very well why the medicine will get there. As per doctorrs or hospitals review we know about pricing on every bundle of tablets. So pkease you should bought all medicine in that shops where it is suggested when I go in the store they read all and handed me in 2to 3 minutes. I was shocked who van any man read fastly then I thiught doctors commision are provided by this store and they charged also a huge amont .
So plese share my rwview and like and also you can follow me. Ata mouthshut.com
Sanjeev kumar