My kid is in SSRVM for last 1 year & since last 4-5 months its nightmare for as he no more want to go to school, as the teacher tells him he is a bad boy or punishes him. Basically the in-qualified teachers dont know how to manager kids and build up unwarranted pressure on kids & and parents.
The principal is never available and takes weeks to give an appointment. The administration always has reason for any negligence which can be fatal for kids.
I plan to change my kids school after paying Rs 40000 donation+ yearly & other fees in just 1 year.
Major drawbacks:
not at all sensitive to kids.
for every small reason the call the parents and ask them to take the kid from school as they cannot manage
Very irresponsible management & always bent upon proving the kid is very bad & teacher is best.
Not qualified teachers.
Rarely there is any extra curricular activity
6.Too much of home work
- Pathetic bus service & even the bus conditions is pathetic, half the days it breaks down & kids reach late to school.
Never ever put your kid in this school if you love your kid.