Now what do I write about sri? . my title says it all.............ok here are some more adjectives and superlatives to describe sri..........shes an original..........versatile.......a pioneer by that I mean all the actresses who came after sri have at some point in time in their careers copied sri blatantly ( south indian actress bhanu priya ..............has made a career copying her ..............not to forget madhuri a lot of people would not agree but mads herself has confessed that her biggest inspiration is sri check out madhuris contact lenses in rajkumar and her dancing skills were copied from saroj khan.........juhi remember sri is the original comedy queen.................. juhi just hams ..........and the over rated beauty queens .........aishwarya and sushmita......these are just a few of the actresses the rest ive lost count......haaaaaaaaaaaaa) .
did you know that sri was born on 6-8-1963? and to think that she is 43 is unbelievable bcoz she does not look it........which goes to prove that sri is todays...............age of the sex kittens...........( read bipasha and mallika who are nothing but flavours of the season) sri stands out ............bcoz she may not be as beautiful as aishwarya or madhuri ( sri is beautiful in her own way and one of the very few actresses who was tall) she may not dance like madhuri (sri has her own inimitable style.........she combines grace with a certain naughtiness and she has her own way of expressing sensuality......) but what she does have is individuality......everything that she did was so original .......from her dancing skills to her comic timing to her emotional scenes to her squeaky voice (her only draw back.......but then again that also adds to sris charm .....) .
did you know that todays actresses like kajol ( the only actress I liked after sri..... bcoz kajol again is an original like sri......) considers sri to be a goddess ..a temple .....a monument ...........dont beleive me watch the rendezvous with simi grewal with karan johar and which kajol clearlly expresses her admiration for sri also when asked to choose between sridevi and madhuri on coffee with karan kajol choose sri........the reason being originality........madhuri is beautiful yes she can dance like a dream yes? but does she offer anything different to the audience......has she in any way changed the face of indian cinema ? the answer is NO but sri did ............... she could come with atleast 20 expressions in 10 seconds ..............infact she gave a whole new meaning to acting ........even priety zinta on coffee with karan admited that sri is the best actress in this country.........bcoz even she copies her expressions (and priety does an ok job of it but not great).
did you know who is sris inspiration when it comes to comedy? charlie chaplin she even insisted on doing a take on charlie chaplin in mr india ......and she made that scene so wonderful for all of us........tell me can any male/female actor in india do comedy like sri does? nah........they all copy her and never manage to get close to her........and did you know that when it comes to dancing who is sris biggest inspiration................micheal jackson .....she infact did a take on him to in chalbaaz watch the song naam mera ram kali .....
did you also know that sri was the first to wear contact lenses ( check out nagina ......later offcourse every actress wore it including madhuri in rajkumar in the song maine ki hai paar saath samundar) ........proof of the fact that sri is a pioneer when it comes to acting and fashion.
sri has made the transformation wonderful for all of us from MS thunder thighs to knock out DIVA .so guys lets all wish sri a very happy and a long life hope she comes back to the movies.......coz movies wudnt be the same without sri......... and mesmerises us again ( ive seen her on tv a few times and she can give all the so called sex bombs of today a run for their money.........check out her pictures I various film magazines and her appearance at rishi kapoors daughters sangeet) ...........WE ARE ALL WAITING!!!
There can be any no of actresses but can there be another SRI? THE ANSWER IS A CATEGORICAL AND A CAPITAL NO coz she is a text book in acting just the way steffi graf is a text book in tennis