Here is another horror T V serial on which I was
very keen to right on..through any medium and I found
mouth to be the best of all mediums.
this horror serial was launched I think to compete the famous horror serial of sony TVs AAHAT which I think
is the best horror serial of all times..
what I disliked about is that I think startv people have made this serial just to make a serial which must be competing to its rival
story shown in not of superior quality as it is of AAHAT every time the story will be about 4-5 friends
who go out for a picnic or someting and the are harrassed
by a ghost 2-3 freinds die and then a so called TANTRIK BABA
comes in to picture who saves the remaining people alive from that ghost..and the story ends .
the uniqueness in each story is almost down to ZERO which is at its maximum in sonys Aahat.
so I think star people should just close down this programme and start some game show or such other thinks in which they are experts is what I think..