St.Annes college: Millers road, Bangalore is run by a bunch of frustrated nuns. Theyre called frustrated because they despise anything and everyone. As a rule, they hate to see students happy(No exaggeration here. Trust me!) So pretty much, there are no pros to talk about. only cons.
Salient features of this juvenile prison(Yes, you read it right. its nothing short of a prison):
The 1st lesson every student learns: Lecturers will punish you first without warning and then let you know that its wrong to do something(For eg: On the second day of college, youll be told that its a crime that you didnt get your notes signed from the lecturer the previous day. Punishment: Stand outside the classroom for 1 week)
The 2nd lesson you will learn is that anyone caught smiling in the campus will be humiliated in the class without being told why
In a class of around 120 students, the lecturer will deliberately whisper the names to take attendance. Theyll also purposely shuffle the order of the names so you wont even realize your name was called. This is how you will get low attendance despite being present
The lecturers employed are unmarried women past their prime. So naturally, they share the same frustration as the nuns
Classes will be conducted even during cultural-fests and attendance is mandatory(Why do they have cultural-fests in the first place?)
Lecturers are hired based on how fast they can teach and erase the blackboard before you know whats written. on it. Youll be amazed by how quick their reflexes are! There is absolutely no learning unless you enroll for private tuition elsewhere.
You must go to the school cafeteria coz theres no college cafeteria. Youd rather starve than eat there.
The campus ambiance has the ability to convert a beautiful day into the worst day of your life!
Overall, this college has the ability to make you regret why you chose to study further.