It is wrong to call this a super specialty hospital. The concept of super specialty itself is a fraud and this hospital has joined the bandwagon of Frauds.
The dangerous de-professionalization of medicine is the salient feature of this hospital. One of the guiding principles in Medical practice is violated ` "cure sometimes, treat often, comfort always".
This is supposedly a Christian hospital. Christianity looks down on "prostitution" as the violation and vulgarization of the sacred body. The irony is that this institution is indulging in exactly the same oldest profession in history. Because it is all "MONEY". The hospital is leased out to "pimps" disguised as doctors who squeeze the money out of you and share the loot with the hospital administration. There are no feelings involved in an encounter in flesh trade. It is a mechanical interaction.
The billing pattern is very funny. let us say the Cardiology team has 4 doctors. All 4 will see the patient at some time during their convenience and write some notes on the charts and you are billed for each of them. There is no continuity of treatment. God knows what is the logic.
What is needed is good family practice doctors. There are no full time or dedicated doctors in this hospital. So you have rookies out of medical college in plenty that too if they are dedicated okay, but most of them are capitation fee category. The emergency room will be managed by one such newbie. It is at the ER itself the hospital loses the plot. With no competent doctors to manage the emergency room, God only save you. If you have survived past the ER it is Gods grace. The rookies will scare you and admit you in the MICU provided you have the money, otherwise you will be told that there is no ward and you will be referred to a Govt hospital, when actually you will be signing "discharge against medical advice". You are not aware of this. They will then wait for the next bakra.
In the MICU or Casualty you will be received by bakras who are inexperienced. You will be then attached to one of the consultants who will visit the next morning to pass time for a couple of hours, Create an impression that he is very busy write some orders and then hand you back to another bunch of Bakras to take care of you. The consultants will not be available when you want them and will be available at their convenience. Actually, a good general medicine physician should be good enough to address and solve all your issues, but the unethical practice of bringing in every so called self proclaiming specialist on the floor to treat you and bill you is common here.
The Cardiology associates group is the worst. These cardiologists are without hearts. They are greedy and scare you and the only thing they are concerned is to stent you and bill you for procedures that you may not require. If you have survived the heart attack your body has the inbuilt mechanism to cope, but these educated illiterates will scare you and will want to stent you because that is where all the money is. Did you know the doctors will recommend imported stents because there is a huge margin and crooks will tell you that the stent costs 65 thousand rupees for each stent.( plus all the masala that the hospital has to add) imagine what a ripoff. You will survive with or without the stent and definitely not because these jokers have intervened. The interventional cardiologist feels he has to stent you so that he makes money and the hospital also makes money. The cardiologists claim that they have no time to talk to the family. Are they so busy, then they have got it all wrong. If money making is their only aim, they should have got into some other trade and definitely not be doctors. The bedside manners of the doctors are poor. No family counselling and the options are not shared with the family.
The doctors will prescribe unwanted medications and it has to be purchased only from the hospital pharmacy.
Nursing care is pathetic and all students mess up big time and they do not take responsibility for the patients. No staff nurses on the rolls. Nobody is bothered.
The department of medicine is crucial in any hospital. It is an arrogant doctor who is not available when needed.
Unwanted diagnostic and laboratory will be ordered.
Quality is not a mask that you put on to please the certifying agencies. There is a board of Quality Council of India that gives accreditation to health care institutions after an exhaustive audit. This institution had recently applied for NABH certification and was rightly thrown to the trash can.
Interestingly, there is something called the Catholic Health Association of India(CHAI). I have written to them and not surprisingly and sad to note that the reply from them is a disappointment. "we will write to the hospital".
I would consider it a shame if CHAI had advised the institution in preparation for NABH certification.
This hospital is useless and will only milk you of the last penny and expedite your return to the creator.
Inpatient admission should only be for major surgeries and serious illnesses. The hospital stay should be minimal but if this is practiced the hospital will lose money and they do not care if the patient dies due to infections picked up from the hospital.
Two written complaints to the administrator/CMO of the hospital have brooked no response.
Medical ethics in this institution has gone for a walk, and I am going out searching for it.
Avoid this hospital and you will live longer. God bless you with good health and do not surrender that good health by vising this hospital.