It is difficult to be a Super Star in South movies and make films which are normal. And if the names are Chiranjeevi and Rajanilkant, it becomes all that more difficult. Film starring Chiranjeevi has to be rich, super human..or atleast Chiranjeevi believes so.
Stalin is a very good concept, I even dare to say different, only if Muragadass (Director) made it in a ordinary way. He choose extravagance over simplicity which makes this otherwise very novel and well plotted story bit difficult to watch.
Stalin is a Major who chooses to leave Army because is asked to take up administration rather than front. He comes back and plays a role of good samaritan in the society, helping physically handicapped. He gets disturbed when no one helps a physicaly handicapped student commits sucide because no one helped to write exams. This leads Stalin to desingn a concept of helping 3 people and creating a virtual human chain of help. He further gets disillusioned because no one he helped seem to be helping others due to various reasons.
In the meanwhile, he gets into a fight with a rich youth which leads to the Home Minister getting involved. The chain of events on the home minister getting involved are quite interesting.
During all this, the human chain gets underway and Stalin keeps believing that he is not successful in continuing this chain. The end is quite obvious when people follow him and Home minister is arrested.
Songs are ordinary, fights are extavagent but ordinary.
Chiranjeevi is good, acts well and looks menacing, but is bulk and this film more than any thing else looks like a step towards his entry into politics.
All in all a very good concept and story spoiled in quest for making this a truly Chiranjeevi film.