This is a site which shows really beautiful clothes on its website, but in reality the clothes material is very awful. I placed an order on this site for a denim shirt order no- 100428550 seeing one review of the product, but after seeing the product delivered I really wonder about the credibility of that review. I placed a return request and gave a bad review of the product giving it one star, but my review was not published.
Product has been picked up from my place on 25th September 2016, but I have still not received any refund its been almost one month. Does it take one month to do a NEFT. I have been continuously calling them up asking them about my refund but every time I call them I get to here that they are sorry for the inconvenience caused and the money will get credited to my account in 3-5 days, but the 3-5 days never come. All the mails go unanswered for several days. I am a frequent online shopper, never had a bad experience in online shopping until I came across this site.
Please dont go by the good image they portray on their site, the clothes look beautiful only on their site but in reality they are cheap looking garment. I really hate this site. And I regret about my shopping with them.
If I had a chance to give -1 rating, I would have surely done that.