Dont touch these guys with a barge pole. Actually it should be their motto the citi never sleeps neither do those tossers at SCB sleep after making you fill forms and give original statements, they dont let you sleep either, for a whole month they will call you day and night for verification of your waist and bust size and that will follow for weeks on end , till you start calling them to find out whats going on with the bi hourly verification calls, to learn you have been non approved. So much for sir its a pre approved card and you have been chosen and after they see your statement of your other card sir you will definitely get Rs. 1 lakh credit as your transactions and payments are grade one. I have this pre approved experience with SCB twice so far. I play it as a game. I know my eligibiilty would equal 200 card holders of theirs if I was in any other country.
Just an update.
I think I called them a month ago and was told my application was rejected. I received like 5 calls since and many more that I could not bother answering. I have not received the rejection letter yet but calls asking me if I possess this or that proof and the lingua franca has gone from English to the the local tongue. I think they are in limbo whether to proceed with my application or not.
Just dont bother with these guys.