I use ICICI, HSBC and very recently I got Manhattan credit card. There are many problems with Manhattan and the most problematic of all is their poor customer service.
I guess wrong billings can happen once or twice with any credit card company but these guys have mastered the art of making same mistakes again and again!!!
They would agree to reverse the charges when you call them but the reversal would not reflect in your next statement. Then of-course you have to call them again and explain the wrong charges again before you finally (if you are lucky) get them actually reversed.
When you make the payments you must mention Primary or Secondary card because you might end up in having a big credit in one card and a small debit in other that would result in a late fee generation!!!
Worst of all, they really avoid to enable your e-advice and net banking because this way they end up collecting some late fees from their customers!! I called them up for three consecutive months and they promised me to enable the e-statement each time, It has not yet happened!!!! Each time I speak to a different customer care officer and the person confirms my email ID for any spelling mistakes. Of-course my email has always been correct because I keep receiving all crap promotional emails from them. Its really incredible that they have no answers for not been able to activate this service for me. Their service is really pathetic and I am not joking here!!!
Another problem I have found, (It happened to me twice already) their statements are not mailed regularly or get missing. I am sure this is not due to postal services but due to their negligence. I can say this because I have never missed a statement for my HSBC card in 6 years! When you call them and complain, they would just verify your mailing address again. Next month you may not receive your statement again!!!
These are real problems that I have faced myself with Manhattan.....I suggest better be careful before subscribing to it ....