Standard chartered bank is the worst foreign bank in India. Well this statement may be too much a attacking one but you will be really with the same opinion once you will read my worst experience. It was a very illfated day about 1.5 years ago when I agreed to take a free card (Master Card Executive) for one year from Standard Chartered Bank. One completing the stipulated one year I gently called the Standard Chartered Bank helpline to close my credit card account as I was not ready to pay the annual fees. To which they offered me another card by name VISA MINI free for life in place of the already existing Master Card Executive Card. During this deal the customer care executive agreed that my earlier card account will be closed. But to my shocking surprise I got a mailer at home which still had a balance which was actually the sum of the annual fees of the card and the late fees. To which, I gaian called bank helpline. According to the bank executives it was sent to me by mistake. Again and again I kept on getting the card statement on a regular basis swollen each time with late fees. One day all hell broke loose when one of the goons hired by the bank called at my home and talked really badly & rudely to my mother. I called up bank to report this and they insited that there was nothing pending from my side. I kept on telling them every month that I was still receiving statements. They asked me to completely ignore these mailers and live in peace. Well on the parallel the Visa Mini Card was not free and thus they started sending me the statements for that. Well after getting troubled for 6 months wrote them a mail with scanned copy of all the statements. To which they thankfully replied and told me that I have no dues pending. Overall the Bank has dupios standards and trouble you like hell. I seriously suggest not to take any credit card services from them.