I am holding a Manhattan Platinum credit card # ending with 4600 since Oct 2010. I was making all payments and charges on time until jan 2012 when I received a statement showing annual charges of more than Rs. 1000. I discussed with the customer care and told them to terminate the card but got an assurance that these charges will be reversed once I pay the amount for the purchases made using the card. I paid all the charges for the purchases made using the card but the annual charges were not reversed and late payment charges kept on accumulating due to non-payment of annual charges. I even told standard charted to terminate the card number of times but that never happened.
Finally they reversed the annual charges but that was effective 9-10 months after the same was levied on my account. Now the late payment charges for the non payment of annual fees is 10 times more than the annual charges itself and bank is not looking into the issue at all. I even told them to look into the call logs where customer care committed to reverse the charges but it seems thats their way of cheating the customers.