Hi Pals,
Let me put some light on Standard Chartered Banks Credit Card Business...
I have been using SCB credit card for over 5 years now, and never had any problems transacting with them but again typical example of customer mis-management, this often happens when there is sudden rise in customer count and the companies never bother to learn the skills to manage this huge customer base at the same time. Company like standard chartered should die of shame if they cannot help the customers they have, who have had all the trust in SCB before choosing to buy their credit cards.
I recently shifted from Hyderabad to Mumbai and also had directed the SCB to change my address before leaving Hyderabad, but to my surprise they have mixed up my address, i.e, half address of Hyderabd and other half of Mumbai causing trouble for themselves, myself and also the courier companies. As a result I stopped getting bills on time and ended up paying late fee for no fault of mine.
I started getting many calls and their collection executives at my place, spoiling my reputation. When I approached SCB they apologised for everthing, but that was not all, they still didnt make any changes and my address still had Hyderabad phone number and pin number, they dont have basic common sense like ...How can Mumbai address have Hyderabad PIN number? I am sure all SCB customer support executives are 5th fail from some very very rural school....
Everyone has a limit for their patience, so do I, I finally had to go personally and cancel my credit card for good, and I swear Ill never ever either take up SCB credit card or advice anyone to take up one.
Its Standard Chartered Banks strategy to purposely send bills late and collect late payment fee. My Bill date is 23rd of every month, but I never ever got any of my bills before 28th.
Dear friends..always be carefull while dealing with SCB, never ever go for their Credit cards, you ll end up loosing all your money in the form of late fee (for no fault for yours).
Take care,