I had the misfortune of owning a Gold Card from Stanchart.Their customer care is atrocius as
People dont know a thing about the rules of the bank
They promise to followup & call back, but the call back never materialises
They owe me a refund of 5499.00 & I owe them 525.00, the 5499.00 has never been credited in my a/c & the Rs. 525.00 has become about 6800.00 in 3 years, thanks to their interrests, late charges & service tax
My innumerable calls to the customer care were never heeded to, I had to repeat my story hundreds of times & was told that old records will have to be taken out and then Ill get a call back (Still Waiting for the phone to ring)
Have been called by recovery deptt, legal deptt & also recovery agents, the recovery agent saw my papers, the correspondence, realised the banks mistakes & apologised & left
The banks legal & recovery listen to my case, I am tired of repeating it, say theyll check up with the customer care & the cards deptt & get back to me
- I receive a mail from the HO regretting the misinformation & false promise by by one of their customer care staff (I think thats an acknowledgement of their mistakeI ask them if they regret ot then reverse the charges, but no reply.
Now every 2-3 months I get a call from them, they ask me for their money , I ask them for mine + a letter of apology, some threaten me some politely say thell get back to me. I have now approached RBI/Banking Ombudsman & keeping my fingers crossed.
Moral of the Story: Never trust these card cos. & their customer care?????? execs