The Worst Service from Standard Chartered Bank Credit Cards; I was holding a card from SCB and about to close the card & called the Customer Care and they asked me to drop the cheque for outstanding amount & I did, after 15 days also the cheque not reflected to my SB a/c in another Bank.
Called the CC again for the same & they replied they dont know where is the dropped cheque and get back to me. Even after 30 days the same response from SCB & I told them to stop dropping the cheque to the bank and I will pay the amount by Cash & they agreed and logged the same into their systems.
After 40 days/after I paid the amount by cash the same cheque is been sent to my Saving A/c and I was made stop payment for that cheque number in my SB A/c so it got bounced.
Whatever you say to the CC they will simply say sorry...sorry..but to cap-it-all what I earned from the SCB is Cheque bounce & penalty on my SB A/c and due that I am ineligible for any kind of loans from any banks and my Time. ......
So I advice not to prefer the SCB credit cards..........poor service & cheaters they are.