The Star Bazaar - Ahmedabad situated on the Satellite Road is a great shopping place in Ahmedabad, given the socio-economic outlay of this city. (Compared to other cities such as Delhi, Mumbai and even Pune/Hyderabad most malls in Ahmedabad do not have any range/choices/depth at all.) The competitors are few. Also at Star Bazaar they accept the Sodexho/Accord and other gift passes which is great. In fact Star Bazaars sizeable customer base is from the Sodexho family. I too have sodexho passes and hence often visit Star Bazaar even when it is about 6-7 km away from my residence/work place.
But shopping at this place is a big pain because of loud music - mostly of current Hindi movie songs which are not very palatable. Many times I have asked the staff to reduce the decibel level. Once I have also posted on some blog associated with the Star Bazaar/Tatas. But till date there is no response. It is extremely irritating. The noise continuously bears you down and distracts the customer from taking a proper buying decision. You cannot stay on the top floor for long.There is no space to sit down and relax, esp for elderly and male customers who would be accompanied by lady members.
They would take long time in shopping and if the male member/s want to relax either you have to sit on the floor or on some product. Only sitting place is a bench near the trial rooms.The billing counter on top floor is usually un-manned. The ones below are not all functional. Only on Sunday/Saturday evenings would all the counters be on. This makes billing and exit an extremely delayed and irritating experience esp if you have children accompanying you. The billing is also irritating because many times the RFID tag is not stuck on many products and you come to know about it only at the billing counter. Hence either you have to leave it or some one from the billing counter then would attempt to go to the product range/shelf and find a product with a RFID tag. This takes a long time and the others waiting in the queue are delayed.I hear they are coming up with another mall near Ghatlodia. Hope they will have better systems in place there.