Star plus is in my opinion the most old and favorite channel for people of all times it has variety of programmes. One of my favourite programes was dance plus in which traghav the most wonderfull anchor was there and shakti mohan, puneet sir and dharmesh was the judge the super judge was remo desuza . This show had a variety of contastants no bar was there there could be group performances duo and singles as well. . In my opinio the best dance show ever . This show was not only a source of entertainment but also lifted up lifes of many people from small villages and areas hoping for a good and better life . Star plus have also many other shows with variety of stories and charachters this is a channel which only lifted itself with the passing time from years and years . There are shows like ye hai mohabbtein . pyar ko kya nam du and pardes me hai mera dil. Which have eternelly entertained people for lifes . The charachters in these shows have taken parts in our life .the dinner time has to done with these charachters and there is no day when the shows are to missed . I love this channel as my personal opinion and I think the fastest growing tv industries best supported channel is star pluS form years and years. Thanks to the ceo of star plus for making such wonderfull shows and keeping us entrtained form years .