Ekta Kapoors serials, they are terrible! Her serial are degrading women and the way they are portrayed, she makes women out to be
really nasty, devious and conniving in India. Also showing a bad example, showing Indian Families killing their own family
member(s) for money. The serials are totally predictable and the drummer
in the back ground needs a serious wack over the head, always banging
away at the most crucial point of the series. The back ground
music and drums are so loud, is washes out what the actors are saying. God my old folks are going deaf with old age anyway, without having to
endure this sort of abuse from the back ground drummers.! Also the
flash backs, it seems Ekta has no story line in her series, that she
must waste the program time by creating flash backs and nicking film songs. Come on.! How
stupid does she think the general public is? Her serials are an insult to the publics intelligence.! Even if you
haven’t watched a serial for over a year, watch one and there will be
so much flash back, that you will catch up in one episode. What a
bleeding waste of our time, also all the series story line is the
same. If a person dies in one, then they die in all the series. If a
person has cancer in one series, then the same story line is bound to
follow in all the rest of the other serials.! Please save us from this torture
and either get her out and get someone fresh, brilliant to produce and
direct these serials. Or get her to go to a professional production school to learn how to direct, produce and
generate good storyline. Cos Ekta Kapoors talents are way
below amateur level, she is totally crap, and because of this I avoid
watching Indian serials. If their were more realist serials and not
done in such an over the top fashion then more people will be interested in
watching them. I have seen some of her serials and predicted whats gona happen and ive always been spot on, so whats the point watching such
bullshit. Please Ekta I am sure you can do better then this crap.!