Star Pravaha starts their serials with intersting plots. In prolonging the serial, they completely take away the strength of a character and spoil the plot or the story. All stories seem to end with demeaning women first then making them into a devi, women are either goddesses or vamps.
The writers are amazing at turning and twisting the story, Im amazed at what all they come up with. Case in point Tharla Tar Mugh, finally Madhubhaus case was going to see light now we are back to square one. Unfortunately you are going to pull this serial to its death! Its already two years old I think, that poor Saili will have to hear so many bad words about her character. Can one rational step taken write off all her goodness? Really? How judgemental are we asna society you think? What wrong messages we give through our serials. lokan pudhe tond dakhwaycha laikinche nahi rahilo! That sentence makes me cringe each time I hear it. You still have a chance to make this serial impactful!