The fifth generation of Star Trek, don’t we ever get bored of it?? Well obviously the answer is no, never, well it’s Star Trek isn’t it, who would ever get bored of Star Trek! Before Enterprise started I was a huge Voyager fan and was really annoyed when it was finished. I therefore grudgingly started watching Enterprise thinking it would never be able to get anywhere near as good as Voyager and it would be a waste of time. How wrong can you get. I have watched up to episode 16 now and am addicted. It takes you a couple of episodes to get to know all of the characters.
The first episode does a great job of introducing them all. It’s done gradually as well, they are not just all shoved under your nose and you are expected to remember them. So who do we have then, well Captain Jonathan Archer is played by Schott Bakula (previously in Quantum Leap). He is a great captain with the cheese of Kirk and logic of Picard. Yet another great doctor (aren’t they always), this time an alien, Doctor Phlox. Always really interested in what humans do and interfering in everything. We have a 7 of 9 replacement Subcommander T’Pol who has the same dimensions as 7 of 9 (except a bit shorter), never smiles and knows everything. Enterprise is set in the mid 22nd century so is before the time of the original series. This means they have no transporters, phasers, etc. They still have to wear space suits everywhere and there are no universal translators. This is overcome by a human translator called Hoshi Sato who can work out languages in a few minutes by feeding certain words into a machine. If I could do that I would have got a better grade in GCSE French!
Through the first series they do find new technology and also come across lots of aliens. The Klingons are still there but they have yet to meet any borg! This is another classic trek, don’t be fooled into thinking that because they don’t have the technology it will be boring. The characters are great and the episodes have some great stories, we just need to catch up with the USA now.