This movie like so many sequals can be summed up as people making sequals have good intentions. Unfortunately this movies is a poor attempt of a movie for the Next Generation crew. Although I liked a couple of the special effects (they were few and far between) and the plot as a general idea, it was poorly written and executed, and in the end kills this film. There is 1 scene at the beginning where the away team goes to an untechnical culture. There with their shuttle craft and a dune buggy and drive what seems like for ever around this planet. (A trekkie would call this a violation of the prime directive). In another scene Geordi LaForge asks Data if he feels ok, and Data says he cant feel anything. If you saw the last film Insurrection you would know Data now has an emotion chip that gives him the ability to feel basic human emotions. In fact the movie makes no reference to the emotion chip Data should have in this film. There are other continuity issues but I wont give those since they do have something to do with the plot. I would wait for the video.