Being a huge Star Trek fan I thought that it was about time that I got around to writing some reviews on the subject. So here I am starting with my favourite, Voyager. I will try and keep this short. I always say start with a good episode and with The Caretaker, Voyager did that. A brilliant story which led into the ‘we’re miles away from home’ thing and managed to introduce all of the characters in an hour. So, briefly, Voyager has been transported into the Delta Quadrant – which is a bit further than your local chippie and it’s going to take them years to get back. Along the way naturally they have lots of adventures (!!) and meet loads of new races.
The characters are very much like the ones in the Original Series. You have the typical Vulcan, Tuvok, who is head of security on Voyager. Brilliant character with the typical Vulcan sarcastic wit. Harry Kim – the young one, on his first mission, which turned out to be longer than expected. Tom Paris – pilot or driver, whatever you wish to call him. Started out as the male tart on voyager but is now settled down with Torres who is Chief Engineer. Neelix – weird looking bloke they picked up on the way. Cook, Moral Officer (??) and general dogsbody. The Doctor – one of the best characters. A hologram which has had to take the place of Chief Medical Office because the first one got killed, great way to be promoted. Hilarious character that gets all the best lines and has been known to use the classic ‘I’m a doctor not a……..’. About time he had an upgrade really. Seven of Nine – ex-borg woman, a bit Vulcan like, not many emotions but a very popular character. Can’t think why that would be. Chakotay – first officer with a big tattoo, bit of a softy/big girls blouse. Then of course you have Captain Janeway, the first female captain we’ve seen on a ship.
I didn’t think this was going to work before seeing it but it has done very well. Don’t think they’ll do it again though. Every episode of Voyager I’ve seen I have enjoyed. Naturally there have been the better ones but each one has a great story and there have been several guest appearances, Troy, Barclay, still waiting for Spock though. So now they are at the end of the series. I don’t know what I will do without my weekly supply of Voyager, have to watch them all again I suppose. The big question now is, will they get home. Well, I hope so. I haven’t been watching it for years for them to all die next week.
You have to have a happy ending though don’t you? Things to learn from watching Voyager:
1.All races speak English/American. I know they have those universal translators but surely if they have only just met that race it won’t be programmed for their language?
Coffee must be drunk at least fifty times a day.
Holograms have feelings too.
The doctor can fix anything, cure anyone and is invincible.
Around every corner is a Borg cube.
Rocks are no longer made out of polystyrene.