No need to tell anybody what the franchise is all about. If you need to know what it is. take a hike coz this review is not for you.
For years I had followed the Star Trek series only to have lost touch since Star World stopped airing fresh episodes. After watching this movie, all the awesomeness and splendour of the experience that Star Trek is. has come back to inspire me.
Star Trek over the years has had tremendous fan following – more for the series than the movies. If I were to be really honest, almost all the movies so far have been bit of a disappointment. None have done anything supreme on the Box Office as well. On those standards this latest edition of movie is very very well done.
Star Trek: Future Begins, is actually a prequel to the USS Enterprise saga. It’s in a way the story of how James T Kirk became captain Kirk –(and how Commander Spock became his first officer).
The movie traces his life from his birth till the day he is appointed the captain of the infamous StarShip Enterprise.
But this is also the story of Spock as much as it of Kirk. How their friendship unfolds during the course of the movie is remarkably well scripted and executed through the intense, very well thought out script.
The plot:
Captain George Kirk(James’ father) dies trying to save his people against a mysterious alien vessel that is commanded by a twisted Romulan baddie(Eric Bana). He has travelled back in time and is looking for Ambassador Spock, who he thinks is responsible for destroying the Romulan planet. Twenty years later, Kirk grows into a young troublemaker but inspired by Capt. Christopher Pike joins the Starfleet. While they are on board USS Enterprise, there is an emergency warning from Vulcan and the Enterprise, with several young cadets, is ordered to pursue and rescue the planet’s inhabitants. What follows is a series of intergalactic adventures where the Federation comes up trumps thanks to Kirk and his more than able, though young and inexperienced, crew.
My thoughts:
The problem with such movies is that there is always so much at stake. As a director you not only need to satisfy the ardent geeky fans, you need to ensure that the movie works as a stand-alone, sci-fi flick. This is where the magic of JJ Abrams(LOST fame) has worked superbly. While the characters are given a lot of attention and have been explored very well as the film unfolds, the overall pace of the movie is electric. With the help of some really stunning special effects and background score, he manages to keep the interest going throughout the 2 hours. But what he has working for him most is exciting well written plot and good performances from a bunch of fresh actors.
Cris Pine – as James T Kirk’s young version does not disappoint. At times he comes across as too much of a maverick, but he pulls of the intense scenes as well quite easily. While few might say that he has looked too young for such a huge role, I quite liked the fact that he was so young. It gives him a feel of an underdog and gels with the story.
Zachary Quinto – Seemed like a perfect choice for the role of Spock. He has already proved himself in the small screen through the supernatural series Heroes. However he has looked at ease even in big screen and hardly gives you any reason to complain.
Eric Bana – Possibly the best performance of the lot. For almost half the movie I did not recognise him. He has really looked evil and nasty for his role. Although his character seems overly pissed off and too hell bent on vengeance, you cannot doubt Bana’s performance. He gives it his all and makes a significant impact on the movie overall.
Final word:
The debate of Logic vs Instincts is a theme that has been covered many times in movies & novels. But possibly nobody symbolises the dilemma more than the ever logical Spock and the instinctive but practical Captain Kirk. While logical deductions can theoretically never go wrong, a leader is someone who knows when and how to reason with reason and gamble when needed. The movie is a perfect backdrop to bring this thought alive – as both Spock and Kirk are technically capable and worthy of captaining a ship. One is driven by sheer logic and the other thinks beyond it and feels he is not bound by any specific school of thought. In exceptional circumstances, the latter triumphs.
Come to think of it, Kirk is not the most intelligent person on his ship, neither is he the strongest. But he knows how to lead – and that is why he gets to captain the USS Enterprise.
The lessons are all there for us to take. the question is are you willing to think beyond just what your mind says and accept it!
Given the hype around Avatar, it is sad to see how a really true blue sci-fi film like this one is not getting enough credit. I for one will be utterly disappointed if it doesn’t win anything at the Oscars