Star Voice of India has come to an extent whereas good singers have been eliminated because of Ishmeet. Ishmeet does not deserve to be in the final 5 at all. Instead, he shouldve been eliminated before Abilasha. Everyone on the show has a "unique" voice & theyve been working very hard on each and every song which theyve been singing. However, Ishmeet has messed up an infinite number of times & has received much criticism from judges before. I question what part of India is giving a silly amount of votes for someone who cannot even sing properly! Yes we all know its the Punjabi fellows out there. In addition, in comparison to other singers, Ishmeet does not show enthusiasm & facial expressions when singing.
Hes been getting so many votes just because hes a Punjabi. Punjabi people are so unfair, & so is Daler Mehndi. It was quite obvious that when Daler Mehndi came as a guest on the show his eyes were focused only on Ishmeet. Those kind of people dont deserve to wear a turban at all since they cant even respect others & speak the truthful facts rather than speaking nothing but "trash." This was a very obvious type of stereotyping on the show that was further explained by the so called marks that Daler Mehndi gave to Ishmeet. Others sang better that Ishmeet that day, however they sang before Ishmeet & received a lower score than Ishmeet. To cover up his shrewd mean act, Daler Mehndi gave all the other contestants the "same" score as Ishmeet even though they sang way better than Ishmeet. I guess the Punjabi people dont get it through their heads & do wrong deeds & then they go and pray to Guru Nanak to cover up their deadly sins. This is terrible, however, God will show justice at the end I hope. The ending of SVOI better be bitter sweet.