Star Wars 2: The Attack Of The Clones has come come to our screens and has been awaited for this year. Attack Of The Clones is suppose to be the biggest features to be shown this year along with the next Lord Of The Rings series. Everyone has really high expectations after the disappointment of the last movie-Phantom Menace.
Attack Of The Clones is about how the jedis are protecting the princess and how Anekin finds out of what happens to his mother. That is the main storyline with the only important part being the attack of the clones (seems similar to its name wont you say?) We find out of how an order- if you wish to call was made quite some time ago of soldiers which are all clones and hence they are there to help the Jedis. The story flows on and we have scences of romance between Anekin and the Princess who end up getting married to each other. The story does slow down towards the middle-this is the romance bit! It does become a bit cheesy as mentioned! But one thing that stands out most of all is the brilliant fight towards the end with Yoda it is very fast! I wish there were more of it-but we cant always get our ways now can we! The Graphics are perfect and sound-effects are another element that clearly stands out.
There are some scences of humour between the robots R2D2 and CTO which are quite pleasant. Overall the movie is not bad but not all that good either as some of the other Star Wars like Return Of The Jedi, but one that I did notice was that Attack Of The Clones was a lot better than Phantom Menace by far; so this does make me want to look forward to the next Star Wars 3. Though the audience and I do know what the next Star Wars is manily going to be about as the fight started in the end of the Attack Of The Clones has just started. So this means that the fight finishes towards the beggining in Star Wars 4. This is also exciting as soon we will begin to know what the FORCE actually is..... So if you want want to watch something dazzling on a cinema screen then I suggest that you do go and watch this SW2... and may the FORCE be with you my friend.......