2005 is indeed a very eventful year for geeks and sci-fi fans all over the world. Not only is it the year of release of the famous Hitchhikers Guide to Galaxy, but also the year of release of not one, but two Harry Potter installments....one an eagerly awaited movie and the other, an even more eagerly awaited book! But probably one event most anticipated was the release of what would be the last movie in the series of episodes of the spectacular galaxy wars - Star Wars. What also makes this movie so special is that its what the oldies (the 70s generation) would want to watch to see the birth of the all-powerful Darth Vader. It is also the one movie that links the present chain of episodes with the previous releases, tying all loose ends in the story.
Enough with the intros.....I am going to jump into the review now
The Story
In the last 2 episodes, the galaxy is shown to be in a turmoil with the ruling Republic facing problems from a separatist movement, where several galaxies are leaving the republic, to be independent. The trade federation with the help of the Sith is mostly instrumental in this change.
What follows after this movie is how the universe has been taken over by The Emperor with the help of his most loyal servant, Darth Vader. However, Vaders children from his long-forgotten dead wife Padme, are succesful in eliminating the Emperor, while also bringing back Vader from the dark side.
The story of Episode 3, is mostly about how Anakin Skywalker, a troubled and confused Jedi is seduced by the dark force and becomes Darth Vader. The movie also shows how the Jedi council that protects the galaxy is completely wiped out by the Emperor, with the help of Anakin.
The Review
Well, for one, this movie is much better than Episode 1 and 2. It is definitely much darker, the fights more interesting and the special effects are absolutely awesome.
There may be a couple of people who may become vary of the number of fights in the movie, but I guess its imperative in order to take care of all unanswered questions. The backdrops for the fights are absolutely something else.
Acting-wise (Hmm.....didnt know people had to act in a movie like Star wars....whats the point!!) everyone is stony faced, but I guess thats not important as the movie is not intended to bank on acting prowess. Besides the artists have very less scope to show their creative skills owing to the amount of CGI in the movie. There are too many characters to get into the nuances.
A personal suggestion to anyone who is going to watch this movie is to forget about the story and acting, and just sit back and watch the movie for what it really is - A huge canvas of creative efforts of hundreds of CGI professionals and the conception of a world we will never see in reality.
I would conclude by saying that the people who will really love the movie are the people who are Star Wars fans. Not to say others wont like it, but they may find the movie hyped. But to me, Star Wars is no hype....its a means to watch the most loved bad boy in the universe - Darth Vader
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