Its been a long time since ive seen a movie First Day First Show !
STAR WARS : Episode III - Revenge of the Sith forms the perfect bridge to complete the six part series.
The Story
The story basically deals with the transformation of Aniken Skywalker into Darth Vader. Aniken is a young and exceptionally good Jedi warrior. But the Sith Lord (Chancellor Palpatine) seduces him to the dark side, who promises to save his wife Padme (Aniken has foreseen Padme die during childbirth).
Now to the more Important things...............
The Special Effects
George Lucas proves once again that he is the greatest !! The special effects are mind-blowing! The movie starts with a sequence of two spaceships (of Aniken Skywalker and Obi Wan Kanobi) flying through a huge war to get to the spaceship where the Chancellor is held prisoner. This leads to a fight between Obi Wan + Aniken VS Count Dukoo. Later there is a fight between Obi Wan and General Grevous which is simply brilliant. Another amazing fight between Yoda and Chancellor Palpatine and the final fight between Obi Wan and Aniken. The space between the fights is filled with Aniken s battle within himself and his conversion to the dark side.
The Pros and Cons
Yes, There are cons!!!
The pros are easy to list out : amazing special effects, the grand scale of everything, brilliant light-sabre battles.
The cons : Basically some weak points in the story. Anikens transformation to the dark side happens very quick, and seems to be brought about more out of love for Padme than lust for power. The biggest mistake is the end. It just happens too soon. You feel no fear of Darth Vader in the end. Only because we know what Darth Vader does in the later movies, is there some feeling of apprehension.
Its a must see for all Star Wars fans and for all Sci-fi lovers (not that I expect any of them to miss it). Overall great movie, fits in quite well it the set of six, but could have ended better.