Well, The Movie is awsome, its one of the best ive seen. The second best SW one for sure. I loved it, had all the things you want in a movie: Love, Hate, Action, Betrayal and Darth Vader!!! The movie is intense, and keeps you up because you always want to know.
You never know what is coming next, from the intro battle scene to the final battle. You see Anakin slowly become the evil we know as Darth Vader. You get to see how Padme gasp dies, and how betrayal can destroy someone.
The Climax, is quite obvious, which would be the Epic Battle Between Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi. We know the result, but seeing the battle actually happen is yummy. You also get to see the transformation of Anakin to Darth Vader, you see them litterally, build him. you see his burnt body, with only 2 mech legs and his already mech arm on, with one arm missing. Eventually it shows Anakins face, and you see Vaders mask get put on him. He learns of Padmes death and screams an epic NOOOOOOOO
Well, its THX Mastered Because well, George Lucas created it <.<
It has Dolby Digital Surround sound 5.1 EX, 2.0, (canada) french 2.0, and spanish 2.0
Special Features
Deleted scenes were alright, but not worth it. There are 6 of em, 3 of which are just like 7 senators just saying Zomg, We have to stop palpatine and Zomg, The senate and council is corrupted!!!!111!!1
The Other features are awsome though. The Feat of Anakin to Darth Vader is awsome. And well, every other thing other than the Deleted scenes are leet on this disc.
I mean, its nice to see a few of them, but they made like 3 of the same thing in different locations. The Photo Gallery is also quite nice, its got some behind the scenes pics.
Whats even cooler, is if you own a Xbox, you can stick the special features disc in, and play a 2 level demo of Battlefront 2. Which is awsome ( I dont have a xbox I duno what levels)
You get a free 14 day trial to Star Wars Hyperspace, It just takes you here, so Everyone of PW get 14 free days. Use it as many times as you want, its 14 days,
Movie - 9/10
Special Features - 8/10
Fun Factor - 9/10
Re-Watch Value - 7/10
Overall Score - 8/10