Well, I always thought A New Hope was the best Star Wars movie. Episode 7 has kept the style of the original movie, its soundtrack, not just the score - the entire sound scape, but it should have left it at that. What we have feels like a fan remake of the original; re-hashing every plot element, every character, every scene, even ripping off several lines of the dialogue directly. I was half-expecting Rey to do the Obi-Wan sound diversion trick at one point. Alas, the new plot seems like its in far too much of a rush at times, and thus each re-hashed scene fails to deliver the impact of the original whilst also feeling unoriginal. The characters journeys dont touch you as much, and theres no strong emotional scenes such as when Luke stood watching the two suns rising over his home world in the first movie. Still, it has a strong female role and it was fun to see the old Star Wars well and truly return to continue the story; hopefully the next movie will do something original and do it well!