Coffee shops are my thing. Whenever Im out in town, there is not a single occasion I remember where I have not chugged down some brew. I wont consider myself a connosieur of good coffees.. but I can tell you something - when you walk into a Starbucks store, youll know youre in for something pretty good.
Starbucks is one of the most popular worldwide chains of coffee shops . They started up in 1971 in Seattle, Washington. In 1982, a guy called Howard Schultz joined the company as the director of retail operations and marketing. Their initial business model was to supply superior coffee blends to upscale restaurants and bars. In 1983, Schultz traveled to Milan, Italy where espresso bars were a hugely popular culture and deriving from their success, decided to test the concept back home in Seattle. After proposing the new idea to the original founders of Starbucks, Schultz paved the way to become the founder of the Starbucks coffee shop chain that coffee lovers the world around have grown to love today. In 1993 they established a partnership with Barnes and Noble Inc. Thus began the concept of a bookstore with a coffee shop and needless to say Barnes and Noble today is not just a bookstore for the erudite bookworm, its become a phenomenon among teenage kids who just like hanging out. Today Starbucks is a globally recognized organization that has won several accolades, notable among which are the 100 Best Corporate Citizens award and its inclusion in the Fortune 100 list as one of the 100 best companies to work for.
Starbucks among other things has a wide selection of quality coffees with distinctive flavored blends - the patented Starbucks house blend, an Arabica flavored blend, a Colombian flavored blend, a French Roast and several more. The latest offering is organic blend which has a citrus and floral aroma to it. Hmm. You can either go to a store and buy coffee beans or get them ground, either way they are good quality coffee. If youre not in the mood for brewing your own coffee, walk into your neighborhood Starbucks store/Barnes and Nobles. They have a variety of different flavors to choose from. Starting from the Starbucks special Coffee of the Day or Decaf of the Day (for you caffeine watchers). And then if youre into something a little more adventurous theres the mochas and the lattes. Starbucks coffee come in 3 sizes, the tall, the grande and the venti... and the popular hot beverages they offer are :
Caffe Latte
Vanilla Latte
Caramel Macchiato
White Chocolate Mocha
Caffe Mocha
Mocha Valencia
Caffe Americano
Espresso Macchiato
Espresso con Panna
Among these the caramel macchiato is my favorite. It is a double shot of espresso on a caramel latte with whipped cream to top it up. Bellissimo! And if you like something sweet to go with your coffee there is a delectable selection of biscottis, cookies or pastries to choose from. The almond/chocolate chip biscotti is my preferred accompaniment for these beverages. However if drinking coffee doesnt give you the warm and fuzzy, do not despair. Theres the Starbucks patented Tazo chai (the American version of good ol desi chai) for the tea drinking community...
If you want to chill out youve got a whole bunch of chilly options to choose from starting with the frozen frappucino! This cold coffee drink is ideal as an after-dinner dessert. Again this drink comes in several flavors, mocha, latte, and pretty much anything you can dream up when you think coffee. You can also sample other iced drinks if you like to tread on the wild side a bit - like the Iced Tazo chai, the Tazoberry (which is a bunch of fruit juices mixed with Tazo black tea - this stuff is awesome) and other weird but cool combinations.
All in all, Starbucks is a great store. If you want great coffee to go with the occasion, whether it be a gathering of trendy young hipsters or a business meeting with your colleagues, Starbucks has the ambience and the coffee for you.