I have a two account in in Sbi . Besid my home there is a SBI branch, from many years I have this account on Sbi. But I really not like there services . There are few reasion behind this.
1: Long queue in SBI for any transition .
2: SBI bank empoly behave not so soft.
3: If any mojor cash then took very long time
4: Intrest rate is low from other bank.
5: If I do compalin not that much respons .
6: outher bak empoly say sir to customar but I sbi we have request to empoly .
And many other like all this. But other hand
They provied free account, not that much charges.
And few other . I like but not that much . SBI really need to inprove much, need give poper instration to empoly .
SBI need to incrise there bank empoly, Campline desk need much more improve.
But stile I like SBI bank .