Today I am going to share you some true fact about State bank of india. After Reserve bank State bank is the head bank of all kind of bank. Whenever I have gone in the State bank of India I find great rush and dull service. Some brief description about some points: -
PHONE BANKING: - If I talk about phone banking, I want to tell that there is a long process to starting phone banking. Phone banking is not for uneducated peoples.
ATM AVAILABILITY: - I find ATM everywhere but after demonetigation I find rush also.
INTERNET BANKING: -Internet banking is not for all kind of people because some educated people also do not know how to use internet banking And process to get passward eat up most time.
CUSTOMER SERVICE: -I find that employee does not work quickly they want to eat customer time.The process to transfeer money from dead account to other account take extra enough time.