Yes, I mean what I say. The State Bank of India (SBI) does not have the proper state of mind to serve its customers. Mahatma Gandhi had once said that the Customer is the King, and the entire world of marketing all over the globe not only makes it as its motto, but follows the maxim in letter and spirit. I and my wife have a joint account at the State Bank of India, Angul, Orissa. Why did we have the account in the SBI ? Two reasons. One - it is the oldest in town; two - we get some drafts drawn at SBI, Angul. Never have we been satisfied with its service. The Staff are callous and indifferent. Even the Manager is not helpful. The SBI here does not encourage you to put your $ Cheques with it so that it could be deposited to your account the same day after being discounted, as is done in the local Branch of helpful Canara Bank. It wont be an understatement to say that I hate the SBI, wherever it is. SBI is there to neglect its customers. The country will in no way be loser if the SBI, as a banking institution, is closed down for ever.